an LTM moment

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” as I reflect back on the past 4 years. It feels like minutes have passed in my life but when I look at my girls I know it’s been a lot more time than that. They’re 4 years older, 4 years […]


6 Things You Need To Do To Make Your Business More Fun

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The other day I shared a little bit of my story and why I do what I do on InstaStories. (if you’re not following me on Instagram yet, I’d love to connect!) I’ve said it a million times before, but I love my job and you can tell when I’m talking about it. I got […]


One Easy Trick For Getting More Interaction On Social Media

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This is the portrait Jeremy Cowart took of me on Friday night. As we sit on the plane ready to take off for 2 other small work trips, I’m still trying to put my finger on the answer to his question that should accompany the image. He asked, us to describe our in-between. Liminal means “the space […]

The Good Life

The Space Between

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Sometimes I wake up and I am so grateful that I don’t have to feel like hiding from my day. Sometimes I take it for granted and forget what that felt like. Have you ever had a job like that? Where you just dreaded getting up in the morning and going to work? Me too. […]

#LadyBoss Life

She Designed A Life She Loved

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My first book was published this week. It’s called Getting Noticed. It is a no-nonsense guide to standing out and selling more for momtrepreneurs who ‘ain’t got time for that’. This book started as a PDF guide and as I was writing it it turned into so much more than just a PDF. It turned […]

The Good Life

Getting Noticed Book, Coming Soon!

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My little ones are funny. Especially, the smallest of the little ones, Kennedy. She tells me all the time she doesn’t want to get older. She asked if she could stay five this year when her sixth birthday rolled around in the serious way that five-year-olds talk about Disney Princesses being actual, real human beings. She […]

The Good Life

They Grow Up Fast

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Wake Up The Podcast

it's time to live life without the snooze button

Wake Up is a podcast about growth and fulfillment. In her authentic style, Lindsay will entertain you and make you laugh while pushing you to show up for yourself and recognize how powerful you really are. Buckle up; you're about to grow! 

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